Videos tagged 'Resisters'

Resisters are people who are not trying to hurt you or anyone else, but they refuse to follow your verbal direction.

Passive Resisters are defined by lack of body movement and best described if you think of the classic protester, who lies down and will not move, or intertwines their arms with others as part of a human chain, or lock themselves to a gate. Their primary characteristic is that they have little or no body movement and do not follow verbal direction.

Active Resisters do not follow verbal direction, but are moving. They jerk away from you, they get up and pace around, they run. The difference between Active and Passive Resisters is muscle movement. It is important to know the differences because different techniques (tools) are appropriate for the two types of Resisters.

As we are beginning to refer to Resisters, this would be a good time to discuss what your duty is when dealing with a Resister. If you are a civilian, you have no duty with a Resister. It is likely that if you encounter a Passive or Active Resister, you will simply leave or escape. There are very few situations in which as a civilian you would take action with a Resister.

Some of the situations in which you might take action include a Resister who is blocking your exit from a room or vehicle. In this type of situation, you will have to employ Resister tools in order to escape. You might also use Resister tools when intervening on someone else’s behalf. If I come upon an Adversary harassing another person, I may be able to come up behind them and employ a Resister tool very effectively.

Resisters can go from Resister to either Cooperative or Assailant behavior very quickly.